Osseo-Fairchild School District
Education for Employment
PI - 26

The mission of the Osseo-Fairchild Middle/High School is to create an environment which prepares all students for lifelong learning by developing the personal, social and intellectual skills needed to be responsible, productive citizens.
Student Preparation
From elementary all the way up through high school students have access to an education for employment program which provides for foundations in good citizenship and which links academic and occupational standards to workplace skills and experiences.
Students will create their own individual Academic and Career Plan (ACP) designed with their own interests and skills as the basis of their plan. Formal classroom exploration will begin in 6th grade and will continue through graduation helping prepare students in areas of interest unique to them.
6th Grade- KNOW
Academic- Grades checked weekly with HAMR time teacher, RTI and academic help, extracurricular activity involvement, parent/teacher conferences
Career- Individual ACP conference with school counselor, Xello standards met, monthly classroom ACP lessons
7th Grade- EXPLORE
Academic- Grades checked weekly with HAMR time teacher, RTI and academic help, extracurricular activity involvement, parent/teacher conferences
Career- Xello standards met, monthly classroom ACP lessons
Academic- Grades checked weekly with HAMR time teacher, RTI and academic help, extracurricular activity involvement, parent/teacher conferences
Career- Xello standards met, monthly ACP lessons, CVTC tours, transition to high school conference with School Counselor
Academic- Course selection, grade checks, RTI help, PreACT exam
Career- ACP classroom lessons, Xello standards met, career speakers, local industry tours
10th Grade- PLAN
Academic- Course selection, RTI help, PreACT exam
Career- ACP conferences with students/parents, career speakers, Xello standards met, college and military representative visits, CVTC tours, mock interviews
Academic- Course selection, ECCP options, individual meeting with counselor, ASVAB test, ACT exam
Career- Reality Check, college visits, service learning, job shadows, CVTC career tours, Career Fair, virtual career speakers, UWEC tours, personal finance budget project, English career paper, career exploration in selected courses, college and military representative visits
12th Grade- PLAN AND GO!
Academic- Course selection, ECCP options, ACP individual meeting with counselor, ASVAB test
Career- Teaching assistant experience, campus visits, FAFSA, letters of recommendation, scholarship applications, college applications, college placement tests, financial aid night, work experience, youth apprenticeship
Academic and Career Planning Student Portfolio